Admissions & Enrollment

Our application for the 2024-2025 school year is open!
Click here to apply for ages 5-13.

Tour:  Here's where it all begins! If you have a 5 to 12-year-old child, we’d love to show you around our campus to get you acquainted with Willow Roots and how we work. Click here to schedule your tour.

Apply: To get to know your learner, fill out the application here. You are your child’s first teacher, so you know best! There is a $40 application fee.

Phone: We’d love to get to know you more with a phone or Zoom interview. This is a chance to make sure we are a good fit for each other and to learn more about your child and how they’d do at Willow Roots.

Meet: Select parents will be asked to come in for an in-person interview and discussion. We will express our expectations as a school, and would love to hear your expectations as parents.

Visit: This is just for the learners! We will hold a day at Willow Roots for your child to experience what a day at Willow Roots is like.